Monday, August 2, 2010

Hamburg - the final time

Saturday July 31st

In the early morning, I took advantage of Jens and Marion's help with a map of where I could run in a grid pattern so that I wouldn't get lost. It was fun to roam up and down the streets and just take in the local community culture. Bakeries, flowershops, butchers etc... all lined the streets and everyone was very helpful and friendly. My German is atrocious, but when I attempt Guten Morgen people are more than happy to help.
Thank goodness for Oliver's German – he has been fantastic throughout our stay here and has been our translator for all of our questions regarding the directions, customs and culture of where we have been. He hasn't been to Germany in 20 years, but it goes to show you that the language you learn in the early years, lingers in your brain forever and can be recalled when needed.

We went to Jens and Marion's place for a lovely German breakfast/brunch and enjoyed the local delicacies.
Afterwards, we headed off for the harbour for a cruise of the Elba river and just saw how immense the harbour was and all of the business it entailed. We compared it to Halifax harbour which we visited last year, and came to the same conclusion that Hamburg was probably 3-4 times larger than Halifax. The cruise ships, container ships, floating docks etc...were incredible to see and makes ones realize just how much shipping is still used throughout the EEC.
Once on shore we strolled along the harbour and just took in the buskers and other happenings. It was packed with people from all over the world.
We then went to Miniature Wunderland, where the creators have made miniature models of German cities and other large cities from around the world, all based around model railways. The details were incredible and the children had so much fun pushing buttons to light up homes, move cranes, make people dance etc...

It was with sadness that we left Hamburg and our dear relatives as we have truly enjoyed their company and the girls really enjoyed being Finn's older sisters and babysitters.

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